Joining the Marines

Joining the Marines

I was in high school when 9/11 took place. I remember being at home, starting my day and the house phone rang. It was my Aunt, telling me to turn on the TV because there was something going on in New York. She didn’t know what it was about quite yet, but it seemed...
Spirit Animals and Signs

Spirit Animals and Signs

I believe in signs from the universe. Whenever I have a question, am weighing an important decision, or an nervous about an outcome, I ask the universe for a sign. There are lots of books you can read about this practice, but truthfully, it’s a very simple exercise. I...
Big Career Change

Big Career Change

Last year I made a huge career change, and it has honestly been my very best and proudest moment. I went from a successful and challenging career in corporate into entrepreneurship. It was a huge leap, and it wasn’t something I took lightly. In fact, I had my plan for...
Introduction and Mission

Introduction and Mission

Hi, I’m Jennifer Vollbrecht. I am going to start posting short articles to practice my writing skills during my Doctoral Program. My goal is to write 500+ words per day and work myself up to 1000+ per day. The expectation is that when it’s time to write my...