I believe in signs from the universe. Whenever I have a question, am weighing an important decision, or an nervous about an outcome, I ask the universe for a sign. There are lots of books you can read about this practice, but truthfully, it’s a very simple exercise. I have called upon the universe many times and have learned to recognize my signs and adopt the dolphin as my spirit animal.

When I was graduating high school and joining the Marines, it seemed like I didn’t have a lot of support from family members. This was discouraging, and looking back, I can understand that we were in the middle of a war in 2003 and nobody wants to send an 18 year old girl out into the thick of it. Nonetheless, my mind was made up, and I was going. But I needed to know if I was making the right decision, so I asked for a sign. I went to Santa Cruz with 3 girlfriends, and at the very end of our trip, we sat at Sea Scape Beach and a pod of dolphins swam by right in front of us. I knew without a doubt that this was my sign! We sat on the beach and cried tears of joy as all transitioned into the next phase of our lives. I would go on to have a successful tour in the Marines and it would be the best decision 18-year-old me could have possibly made.

Throughout the years, dolphins continue to show up for me, and they have become my spirit animal. Before my deployment, last day of my enlistment and countless other situations, I go to the beach and ask the dolphins for a sign. Sometimes they show, and sometimes they don’t. I use that to validate my question. I’ll never forget when I was pregnant with my first born, Natalie, I had a little scare and was in the emergency room. As I sat there in the waiting room with my mom, I saw a documentary on tv about dolphins! I cried tears of relief, already knowing that everything was going to be okay.

About a year and a half ago, I was struggling with the decision to leave my job and start a consulting company. It was a risky move, but I really wanted to do it. We went to San Diego and I sat on the beach and I asked for my sign. Dolphins, should I do this? Will everything be ok? Will it be more than ok? If so, show yourself. I saw a biggest pod of dolphins at La Jolla cove that weekend! They were catching waves and jumping high. It would be a year later that I made my move, but I knew without a doubt that it was going to be fine.

Finally, last fall, we vacationed in a beautiful beach house in Mission Beach and every morning and every evening, dolphins would swim by our house. This time, I wasn’t asking for anything, it was more like they were showing up and showing off, “I told you so” as one would leap out of the water or catch a wave. In that moment, I am filled with inner peace and satisfaction.

I am a big fan of Gabby Bernstein and Elizabeth Gilbert. Gabby is great for spiritual guidance and manifestation exercises, I have read The Universe Has Your Back and it changed me. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is another great resource for recognizing signs and following your heart. Whatever the practice means to you, my only advice is that you don’t make it a big production. Start small, be consistent and build a practice. Be open minded and try to be clear headed so that you can see your sign when it does show up. Also, have fun with it, this is really a wonderful way to align yourself with the universe and all the amazing energy that is floating around in it!