Spirit Animals and Signs

Spirit Animals and Signs

I believe in signs from the universe. Whenever I have a question, am weighing an important decision, or an nervous about an outcome, I ask the universe for a sign. There are lots of books you can read about this practice, but truthfully, it’s a very simple exercise. I...
Big Career Change

Big Career Change

Last year I made a huge career change, and it has honestly been my very best and proudest moment. I went from a successful and challenging career in corporate into entrepreneurship. It was a huge leap, and it wasn’t something I took lightly. In fact, I had my plan for...
Introduction and Mission

Introduction and Mission

Hi, I’m Jennifer Vollbrecht. I am going to start posting short articles to practice my writing skills during my Doctoral Program. My goal is to write 500+ words per day and work myself up to 1000+ per day. The expectation is that when it’s time to write my...