Different than rituals, which I posted about in a previous article, I also like my day to follow a certain routine. Even though I can’t possibly predict life’s uncertainties, there are quite a few things that I do each day that keep me productive, grounded and moving forward. I am going to discuss my daily routine, or habits that I have adopted along the way.

Morning Ritual is something that I have adopted, and it is necessary for me to follow this on any workday. On weekends, I give myself some grace, but I still follow loosely.

In addition to my morning ritual, here are a few things that I must do daily for optimal productivity:

  • Meal Planning- I try to prep a few days in advance but at a minimum daily, I plan out and log my meals in My Fitness Plan for the entire day so that I can keep my day on track, within the macros I have assigned to myself
  • Exercise- Yes, this part of my morning ritual, but it doesn’t stop there, if I can get in another sweat session at lunch, or stretching before bed, I consider that a win!
  • Drinking Tea- Party of my daily routine that reminds me to slow down. It takes a few minutes to heat the water, steep the tea, cool it down enough to drink and this process reminds me to take a few minutes to enjoy the great things in life! Usually right after lunch, I will brew myself a cup of tea and sip while I dive into my afternoon projects. I have even made my own blends of herbal digestive and calming teas!
  • Reading- I love to read. I do not watch TV and am doing my best to stay away from social media because it’s too distracting. I love to read for fun. My work and school require a lot of technical reading and writing. Each day, even if it’s only 10-20 minutes before bed, I try to read a few pages from a book of my choice.
  • Journaling- I keep a few different journals and try to write in at least one of them every day
    • Daily tracker- Food, exercise, sleep quality, any notes on my health
    • School journal- I keep track of the ups and downs of my journey to obtaining my doctorate degree
    • Goal Setting- I have a planner with goals for one-to-ten years out. I will write them out, expand upon them and my very favorite thing to do is cross something off this list
    • Self-Discovery- I have blown through many self-discover prompted journals, it’s my favorite exercise. I even published one, called Feminism: a Journey To Equality. Right now I am working on Practice You, which provides writing prompts and blank pages to dump whatever is on my mind.
  • To-do List- Every day, at the end of my workday, I write my to-do list for the next day. I prioritize it, if necessary and then leave it on my desk that night. When I start my workday, I know exactly where to start, ensuring maximum productivity for the day. I have been in this habit for over 15 years, and it has been a tremendous habit to take into business ownership. My to-do list is broken into categories, business, projects, school and personal, and through the see saw of life, I see rotating priorities, depending on where we are in business, professional and personal cycles.

I find that these practices give me balance. I am often running several projects simultaneously and feel that I sometimes have way too much on my plate. Breaking things down into mini-projects and categories allows me to make progress on the most important things and having my morning ritual and daily routines, ensures I stay grounded and energized.